14th International Workshop on

Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics

05-10 September, 2014, University Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1, Algeria



General Info









Travel & Visas

Contact Info

Budget and fees

fresh, updated info is now available

what follows is preliminary info which may happen to be partially obsolete after December 14th

expenses significantly subsidized!
actual payment
: 200 Euro

this sum is expected to be paid by all participants:

covering the costs of everything including the
housing during five nights in the hotel, the coffee breaks, lunches, dinners, the social programme and the transportation from the hotel to the campus and vice versa.

there will be
no obligatory additional registration fee

sponsors (situation at present):

the above proposal is preliminary and there is a possibility to lower the fees if we can find sponsors to our workshop; in fact there is a possibility to get a support from The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, we are working on it.

(a) Laboratory, Faculty and University in Setif:

estimated contribution to every participant: 400 Euros

(b) other sources:

a touristic visit to the city of Djémila (Latin: Cuicul or Curculum), Berbero-Roman ruins near Sétif will be organized free of charge

(c) perhaps, also the participants themselves:

those who can afford it will probably be kindly asked to pay
the optional registration fee of 100 Euro
this sum would be redistributed to support the participation of students and of participants coming from underdeveloped countries.


the form of payments will be specified soon.



page designed by Ali Mostafazadeh (Koc University)
and by Miloslav Znojil (NPI ASCR Řež),
updated: December 4th, 2013