MR2065946 Grosse, Harald ; Langmann, Edwin ; Paufler, Cornelius . Exact solution of a 1D quantum many-body system with momentum-dependent interactions. J. Phys. A 37 (2004), no. 16, 4579--4592. The main appeal of the point (most often: delta-function-like) interactions lies in the related simplified (viz., matching) technique of construction of the solutions of the underlying Schroedinger equation. A particular derivative-coupling model of this type is proposed. The model and its mapping to the 1D boson gas exhibit a limiting-transition connection to the famous massive Thirring model and to its well known duality to the sine-Gordon model. Unfortunately, a declared generalization of the latter duality proved erroneous (see the corrigendum published on p. 6855 of the same journal volume, and MR 2076 472). MR2076472 Grosse, H. ; Langmann, E. ; Paufler, C. Corrigendum: “Exact solution of a 1D many-body system with momentum-dependent interactions“ [J. Phys. A 37 (2004), no. 16, 4579--4592; MR2065946]. J. Phys. A 37 (2004), no. 26, 6855. In a way falsifying the statements on duality involving ARBITRARY exchange statistics in the model proposed on pp. 4579 - 4592 of the same journal volume (cf. also MR 2065 946), the authors report the existence of a three-body counterexample where certain consistency requirements prove fulfilled only for bosons or fermions. Then, their use of the coordinate Bethe ansatz is explained NOT to imply the originally declared exact solvability of their model. 81Q05 35C05 35J10 35Q40 82B23