DI microconference
May 9 - 11, 2010
Analytic and algebraic methods VI
Villa Lanna, Prague
walking guide from metro HRADCANSKA on line C to Villa Lanna
magnify the map and make it interactive
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the list of participants is
here (in pdf)
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the photo of the sample of participants is
here (in jpg):
from the left to right:
Duplij, Znojil, Hudson, Nanasiova, Pulamnova,
Riecanova, Rauch-Wojciechowski,
Dittrich, Kalina, Graefe, Brody,
Paseka, Olejcek, Gabrielov, Hook, Siegl,
Graffi, Bila, Bender, Tater, Meister,
Rotter, Guenther, Lee, Kushel, Fernandez.
the other photos are
here and
here and
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The book of abstracts
in pdf format
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Registration is over:
the number on interested participants
(see their list
reached the capacity of Villa
(the first-come, first-served principle has been applied during registration)
interested participants may
apply for inclusion
in the mildly fluctuating
waiting list
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Survival assistance between May 9 - 11:
(a) the deadline for ordering accommodation in Villa Lanna
(or in Villa Marna - cca 15 minutes walk from Lanna)
is over
the list of accommodation reservations is
this accommodation will be paid,
in cash, on the spot
(cca 1250 CZK per night)
(b) the meals, i.e., the two lunches
in Villa
may still be ordered, by email;
to be paid,
in cash, on the spot (cca 185 CZK per meal);
capacity of the lounge in Villa Lanna is cca 18 - 24 people,
the first-come, first-served principle
will be applied;
alternatively, restaurants near Villa can be used, e.g.,
"Na Rozhrani"
(see map)
"Na slamniku"
(see map)
social programme and similar services
not provided
conference fee:
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Proceedings will be published in
submissions (open also to non-participants) will be refereed
at present, interested potential authors are
already encouraged to submit their texts
or at least to apply for inclusion
in the
list of expected contributions
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e-mail (preferred):
Miloslav Znojil
Nuclear Physics Institute,250 68 Rez ,Czech Republic
+420 2 6617 3286 (office)
or +420 724 747 898 (mobile)
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IX. international conference
Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians
in Quantum Physics 9
June 21 - 24, 2010,
in Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
X. international conference
Fuzzy set theory and applications
(FSTA 2010)
February 1 - 5, 2010
in Liptovský Ján, Slovak Republic
XIX. international conference
Integrable Systems and
Quantum Symmetries
June 17 - 19, 2010
in Prague, Czechia
XI. international conference
Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics 11
September 6 - 10, 2010,
in Hradec Kralove, Czechia
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the final update: May 13th, 2010;
Miloslav Znojil
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