
20th International Workshop


Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians

in Quantum Physics XX


the meeting
will take place
during July 31st - August 4th, 2023


in Istanbul, Turkey;

for details see the official homepage of the meeting

all inquiries have to be sent now to the
main organizer: professor Ali Mostafazadeh,

(what follows is just a preliminary info,
obsoletized on December 1st, 2022).

main organizer:

Ali Mostafazadeh,

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the list of participants is
not yet available


the detailed schedule
not available yet

BOOK OF ABSTRACTS is not accessible yet

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the main subjects covered
will be soon listed
on the official webpage

the talks during the meeting may be expected to include, as usual,

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the question of proceedings is not yet resolved

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the global webpage of the whole PHHQP conference series

is available here ;

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should be sent to the members of the

Steering Committee

or, by e-mail, to me:

or, by ordinary mail, to:

Miloslav Znojil

Nuclear Physics Institute, 250 68 Rez, Czech Republic

or via other channels:

Phone : +420 - 266 173 286 (M.Z., office)

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important additional remarks:

(1) until the summer 2023,
the recommended activity is the regular

vPHHQP seminar series

organized, via Zoom,
by Andreas Fring
(City, University of London)
and by Francisco Correa
(Universidad Austral de Chile)

(2) you are reading the preliminary, inofficial web-page,
with the official one to be prepared soon

..................... updated: December 1st, 2022