PRELIMINARY REPORTS and unpublished papers available solely via arXiv
M. Znojil and D. I. Borisov,
Avoided level crossings in polynomial potentials with N thick barriers
M. Znojil,
Non-Hermitian N-state degeneracies: unitary realizations via antisymmetric anharmonicities
(arXiv:2010.15014, superseded by 2102.12272 which is currrently Phys. Rev. E, in print)
M. Znojil,
Hilbert spaces of states of PT-symmetric harmonic oscillator near
exceptional points
(arXiv:2008.04012, superseded by the open access paper: MZ, Scientific Reports 10(1) (2020) 18523)
Miloslav Znojil,
Hiddenly Hermitian quantum models: The concept of perturbations
(arXiv:1908.03017v1) [v2 is published]
Miloslav Znojil,
Klein-Gordon equation with the time- and space-dependent mass: Unitary
evolution picture
(arXiv:1702.08493v1) [v2 is published]
Miloslav Znojil,
Quasi-exact solvability of spiked harmonic oscillators
(arXiv:1607.01297) [v2 is published]
Sergii Kuzhel and Miloslav Znojil,
Quantum solvable models with nonlocal one point interactions.
(arXiv:1607.00350v1) [v2 is published]
Miloslav Znojil,
Non-analytic exponential well $V(x)= -g^2\exp (-|x|)$ and an innovated,
analytic shooting method
Miloslav Znojil,
Action-at-a-distance in a solvable quantum model
Miloslav Znojil,
Comment on letter "Local PT symmetry violates the
no-signaling principle" by Yi-Chan Lee et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 130404
(arXiv:1404.1555v1) [unpublished]
Miloslav Znojil,
Can unavoided level crossing disguise phase transition?
Miloslav Znojil,
Quantum catastrophes II. Generic pattern of the fall into instability
Miloslav Znojil,
PT-symmetry and quantum graphs
Miloslav Znojil,
The complete menu of eligible metrics for a family of toy Hamiltonians
$H \neq H^\dagger$ with real spectra
( arXiv:0806.4295v2)
Miloslav Znojil,
PT-symmetric Sturmians
Miloslav Znojil,
Two-step identification of observables in PT-symmetric quantum-toboggan models
- Miloslav Znojil,
PT-symmetric knotting of coordinates: a new, topological
mechanism of quantum confinement.
(arXiv: 0801.0517v1)
Miloslav Znojil,
A schematic model of scattering
in PT-symmetric Quantum Mechanics
- Miloslav Znojil,
Spiked harmonic quantum toboggans
(quant-ph/0606166v1), unpublished version.
Quantum particle is assumed located in an analytically perturbed
harmonic-oscillator potential. Its motion along certain complex,
PT-symmetric "toboggan" paths which N-times encircle the branch
point in the origin is studied in both the bound-state and
scattering regime.
Miloslav Znojil,
Unusual scalar products in Hilbert space of Quantum Mechanics:
non-Hermitian square-well model with two coupled channels
Miloslav Znojil,
Calogerian models, osculation method and low-lying spectra of
many-particle anharmonic oscillators
extended abstract, in Biennial Report of NPI (ed. J. Dittrich),
upon emailed request
- Miloslav Znojil,
PT-symmetry, ghosts, SUSY and Klein-Gordon equation.
invited talk
Prague, June 21 - 24, 2004
(the text and all proceedings (on CD) are available from organizers
upon request)
- Miloslav Znojil,
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and regularizations
(hep-th/0209262v1), preliminary notes for the invited talk in Valladolid
(July 2003) - unpublished
in this form.
- Miloslav Znojil,
Pseudo-Hermitian version of the charged
harmonic oscillator and its ``forgotten"
exact solutions
preliminary version of the invited talk, CRM, Montreal, Autumn 2002, unpublished
in this form
Reprints available
upon an
updated only from time to time