MR2101939 Jia, Chun-Sheng ; Diao, Yong-Feng ; Li, Min ; Yang, Qiu-Bo ; Sun, Liang-Tian ; Huang, Rui-Yao . Mapping of the five-parameter exponential-type potential model into trigonometric-type potentials. J. Phys. A 37 (2004), no. 46, 11275--11284. This paper is a list of formulae useful for purposes of teaching quantum mechanics and/or of its simple phenomenological applications. The text represents a continuation of a very long series published recently by my friend C-S Jia with co-authors and describing various applications of the so called Green-Liouville transformation of the Gauss' hypergeometric equation (with Jacobi-polynomial solutions) into various types of the ordinary differential Schr\"{o}dinger equation. To all these carefully presented lists of formulae I would only like to add that the origin of the method dates back to the very old J. Liouville's paper in J. Math. Pures Appl. 1 (1837) 16 and that one of its key applications in quantum physics is the WKB solution method.